CFY+M Virtual Team MEeting
Interested in joining our team? We have virtual team MEetings a few times a month to strategize and plan for upcoming events. Messages us to learn more.
Interested in joining our team? We have virtual team MEetings a few times a month to strategize and plan for upcoming events. Messages us to learn more.
Each week during the Wicker Park Farmers Market we will be gathering plant-based, shelf stable groceries, cruelty free cleaning + beauty supplies, toilet paper, paper towels, and PPE supplies. All donations will benefit our partners at Food Not Bombs - Humboldt Park and We Grow Chicago (formally I Grow Chicago). We are excited to announce we […]
Each week we host a compassionate Story Time for children and families at Wicker Park Farmers Market. Our Story Time takes place at the exit of the market at 9am + 10am. Each session lasts about one hour long. Our 9am programming is most popular. We start with two stories, followed by art, music, & […]
Join us at Madison Vegan Summer Pop-Up Market. We will be there doing the following: Plant-Based Food + Supply Drive benefiting @foodnotbombshumboldtpark
Secondhand Rack-Sale featuring cruelty free materials
STORY TIME, scavenger hunt, and activities for children and families
Selling our dope new merch
Outreach on veganism and our work in […]
Join the CFY+M at Vegandale in Chicago. Our team will be out there proudly wearing our CFY+M gear and enjoying all the tasty vegan food there is to offer. We will be spending the whole day there and would love for you to hang with our group. Email Vick at to meet up! *We […]
Each week during the Wicker Park Farmers Market we will be gathering plant-based, shelf stable groceries, cruelty free cleaning + beauty supplies, toilet paper, paper towels, and PPE supplies. All donations will benefit our partners at Food Not Bombs - Humboldt Park and We Grow Chicago (formally I Grow Chicago). We are excited to announce we […]
Each week we host a compassionate Story Time for children and families at Wicker Park Farmers Market. Our Story Time takes place at the exit of the market at 9am + 10am. Each session lasts about one hour long. Our 9am programming is most popular. We start with two stories, followed by art, music, & […]
Join us for Vegan in the Burbs Market at Soundgrowler Brewing Co. in Tinley Park, IL. We will have our booth set up collecting plant-based groceries and providing information about our work in the Chicagoland community. We will also bring all the kid and family fun!! Scavenger hunt, games, coloring pages, and prizes! Market Hours […]
Each week during the Wicker Park Farmers Market we will be gathering plant-based, shelf stable groceries, cruelty free cleaning + beauty supplies, toilet paper, paper towels, and PPE supplies. All donations will benefit our partners at Food Not Bombs - Humboldt Park and We Grow Chicago (formally I Grow Chicago). We are excited to announce we […]
Each week we host a compassionate Story Time for children and families at Wicker Park Farmers Market. Our Story Time takes place at the exit of the market at 9am + 10am. Each session lasts about one hour long. Our 9am programming is most popular. We start with two stories, followed by art, music, & […]
Join us as we host our compassionate Story Time for children and families at Oak Park Farmers Market. We will begin programming at 9am and 10am. We start with two stories, followed by art, music, & vegan snacks. We hope to see you and the littles there. Story Time is donation-based. Your donation makes our […]
Each week during the Wicker Park Farmers Market we will be gathering plant-based, shelf stable groceries, cruelty free cleaning + beauty supplies, toilet paper, paper towels, and PPE supplies. All donations will benefit our partners at Food Not Bombs - Humboldt Park and We Grow Chicago (formally I Grow Chicago). We are excited to announce we […]